21 분 소요

I am in the process of writing a beautiful journey.

During my elementary school days,

During my elementary school years, I was an inexhaustibly bright and lively child. At school, I enjoyed playing soccer, while after school, my daily routine consisted of playing with friends at the playground. Additionally, I relished in new adventures while cycling around the neighborhood. My experiences were not limited to these; I poured my passion into learning various sports and developed an interest in music by learning to play several instruments. Traveling extensively, I broadened my worldview and created countless cherished memories.

In elementary school, obtaining computer skills certificates (Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel) was all the rage. From that time on, I gradually developed an interest in computers. However, my fascination truly blossomed when I read a book about “Alan Turing” in the library during sixth grade. Through that book, I became immersed in the world of computers. As I continued to devote my attention to computers, I stumbled upon a friend working with Visual Basic, and that moment marked the beginning of my journey into the expansive world of computers.

Falling headfirst into the world of computers proved to be a tremendous blessing in my life. Another transformative experience was my summer bicycle tours across the nation. From traversing the four major rivers to exploring Jeju Island and Gangwon Province, I ventured far and wide. Little did I know then how profoundly these experiences would impact my life.

Reflecting on my bicycle tours and my journey of personal growth, I can distill the lessons I learned into three main points:

  1. Willpower: The first lesson is willpower. When embarking on the national bicycle tour, I was doubtful of my ability to complete the entire adventure. One memorable course was the journey from Incheon’s Ara Waterway to Busan, spanning over 400 kilometers - a daunting feat under the scorching summer sun. However, once I committed to the challenge, I resolved never to give up. The tour was not something that could be completed in one go; it required consistent, incremental progress each day. Through this process, I achieved small victories daily, which in turn cultivated my willpower. This lesson applies to life in general - by focusing on the task at hand and making steady progress, we can go a long way.
  2. Sense of Accomplishment: The second lesson is the sense of accomplishment. The national bicycle tour was by no means an easy endeavor, fraught with long distances, harsh weather conditions, and arduous uphill climbs. Despite these challenges, I displayed unwavering determination to reach my goal. With a step-by-step approach, I tackled each obstacle, and in doing so, gained a profound sense of accomplishment. This feeling of achievement fortified my inner strength.
  3. Self-Confidence and Self-Esteem: The third lesson involves self-confidence and self-esteem. Throughout the national tour, I learned to trust and rely on myself. Bicycles operate solely on one’s strength, and though I initially harbored uncertainty about my abilities, my confidence grew as time went on. Through this journey, I developed a deeper understanding of myself, and as a result, my self-confidence and self-esteem blossomed.

The bicycle taught me valuable lessons about life. Uphills are followed by downhills, difficult stretches by easy ones, and only by trusting myself and relying on my own judgment can I maintain balance and propel the bicycle forward. Consequently, the national bicycle tour became an unforgettable and precious experience in my life. Through this challenge, I honed my willpower, sense of accomplishment, and self-confidence, all of which have greatly benefited me in my daily life and provided me with ample opportunities for growth in various aspects of life.

In the end, the national bicycle tour proved to be a crucial life lesson and a treasure trove of cherished memories. This challenge elevated my willpower, sense of accomplishment, self-confidence, and self-esteem while simultaneously serving as a catalyst for personal growth. This experience will undoubtedly continue to have a positive impact on my future endeavors, instilling the courage to fearlessly embrace diverse challenges and adventures.

As I move forward in life, I will never forget the invaluable experiences I gained from this tour. It is also essential to acknowledge that I could not have completed this journey alone. I owe my success to the friends who accompanied me, whose support and camaraderie allowed me to reach the finish line. Through them, I learned the importance of gratitude, cooperation, goal-setting, planning, and perseverance.

Looking back now, I realize that I always sought out new challenges and enjoyed learning during that period of my life. I consider these memories precious building blocks that have shaped who I am today. Thanks to these diverse experiences, I have grown into a more resilient and open-minded individual. Now, as I reminisce about those times, my hope is to continue embracing challenges and growing throughout my life.

In summary, I hope to translate the lessons from my bicycle tour and other diverse experiences into a lifelong pursuit of growth and self-improvement. The memories and lessons learned will forever serve as a foundation for my continued development and success.

Middle school years

As I begin to tell the story of my growth during my middle school years, I never lost my passion for sports and music. I joined the baseball team and enjoyed exercising with my teammates, and I learned and practiced traditional culture in a Korean percussion music club. Thanks to these activities, I found joy in life and every day was filled with happiness.

However, this happiness didn’t last long. As I entered puberty, a period came when my life goals and direction became unclear, and I couldn’t find any enjoyment. It was then that I encountered a game called Minecraft and was able to forget my worries for a while by spending time playing the game.

One day, my IT teacher suggested I participate in the Informatics Olympiad. Driven by curiosity, I took part in the competition using the C programming language. The experience was both fun and interesting. Subsequently, I began to learn programming more seriously at a computer academy. During the holidays, I attended a specialized academy for the Olympiad and continued learning C language.

At school, during career exploration time, a hacker came to give a lecture, and I found the profession fascinating. This sparked my interest in the hacker’s career path, and I started to learn about their work by staying in touch with the lecturer.

I spent every day with my computer, not only coding but also experiencing various activities. As a result of trying out most things that could be done with a computer, my skills and knowledge grew rapidly.

With these skills, I was able to screen a 10-minute graduation video I produced myself at my middle school graduation ceremony, in front of students and parents. Sharing my efforts and growth with others through this experience allowed me to feel a great sense of accomplishment. This experience provided me with deep self-esteem and pride.

My middle school years were a great fortune, as I was able to meet good friends and teachers. Thanks to their help and encouragement, I was able to gain various experiences and grow through the process. Looking back on that time, I realized that those precious memories had a significant impact on my life.

Through this writing, I have revisited the story of my middle school years. The enjoyable moments in the baseball club and traditional Korean percussion music club, the struggles and solace during puberty, the opportunity to participate in the Informatics Olympiad and the beginning of my computer learning journey, the change in career direction after meeting a hacker, the growth of skills and knowledge through various computer activities, and the pride and fulfillment I felt after creating a graduation video – all these experiences played a crucial role in my growth and transformation.

With these precious memories etched in my heart, I will continue to develop and grow throughout my life. I will strive to be a person who can make a positive impact on the world based on these experiences, and I will keep enriching my life story. Middle school was truly a great fortune for me, as I was able to meet wonderful teachers and people.

High school years

During my high school years, I was actively involved in a video production club and eventually became its leader. It seemed like my affinity for video production began back in middle school. While I had fun with friends day by day, anxiety began to build up as well.

The fear of having to live outside the safe boundaries of school started to set in. Meanwhile, my friends were all running full force towards college. However, I felt like I wasn’t able to keep up.

During that time, I happened to take a physics class, and it became the period when I studied the hardest in my life. I found physics fascinating and believed it to be an essential subject in life. My physics teacher conducted the lessons with great passion. They never hesitated to compliment me and instilled a love for physics within me. And so, I fell in love with physics.

For a while, I put some distance between myself and computers. Although I occasionally used computers, I mainly focused on physics. Still, I wanted to pursue a computer-related major in college. However, reality was not so smooth; my Olympiad performance in high school wasn’t good, I didn’t get into the college I applied to, and I was eliminated from the BOB program.

During the repetitive days of exercising and studying, I met wonderful friends and teachers, as if by fate. Thanks to them, who are still accompanying me on my journey, I was able to enter the college I wanted and learn a lot. My teachers believed in me until the end and helped me work even harder than I thought I could. With their help, I was able to enter the college I desired and learn many things.

In the end, I developed a unique problem-solving ability based on my experience and leadership in the video production club, passion for physics, and knowledge in computer science. I plan to develop new technologies and ideas based on this and strive to have a positive impact on society.

Although the journey so far has been challenging and difficult at times, the things I’ve gained from it are precious treasures. Moving forward, I will continue to develop and contribute to a better future by collaborating with others.

I would like to express my gratitude to everyone who has guided me on this path and is still accompanying me on my journey. I will keep moving one step at a time towards bigger dreams.

University years

University 1st year

I chose a major in cybersecurity engineering at university and continued my connection with computers. Choosing cybersecurity engineering in college played a significant role in my life. College life was a series of new challenges and discoveries, during which I gained numerous experiences working on various projects with new friends. These experiences contributed not only to my technical skills but also to the development of teamwork and leadership capabilities. I gained confidence from successful outcomes in various competitions and events at school and was fortunate to be a part of some amazing activities as a department representative, studying hard for my goal of medical security.

However, college life wasn’t always smooth. There were times when college life was difficult and exhausting. In my first year, I took on a major project at school, but I made mistakes in the project. The experience of failing in the major project I attempted left a deep scar on me. However, this frustration did not break me down. Instead, it made me reflect on my shortcomings and work even harder to fill them. With the help of my seniors and spending lots of time in the library, I diligently built up my knowledge and documented my weaknesses and growth in a blog as a retrospective. It was too much of a burden to take on challenges with just my enthusiasm.

Sometimes, taking a break during tough times, I was able to overcome difficulties and grow thanks to my long-time friends from middle and high school and precious relationships with my mentor. I was able to move forward towards my dreams continuously, improving with their encouragement and support.

In the end, college life became one of the most important times in my life. Through failure and frustration, I realized my shortcomings and grew through consistent efforts to fill them. These experiences became important assets in my life and will be of great help in the future. Now, I want to develop even more vigorously based on my past experiences. I aim to become an expert who can contribute to society by applying what I have learned in practice, striving tirelessly to be the best in the field of medical security, which is my goal.

I also want to express my gratitude to the seniors, friends, and mentors who helped me in my growth process. I wouldn’t exist as I am today without their help. I want to move forward with them, helping each other’s development.

In conclusion, my first-year college life was an important time when I achieved significant changes and growth in my life. Overcoming failure and frustration, I created my own weapon, and this experience has become a valuable asset in my life, providing a foundation for me to be reborn as a successful professional in the field of medical security.

I will continue to move towards my goals through endless efforts and challenges, and I want to enjoy the richness of life by growing together with people in the process. These experiences and efforts will definitely be reflected in my essay. I hope this story of my sincere growth and development is conveyed, and I think I made a lot of efforts to recognize my shortcomings due to failure and fill them. I want to thank myself for not giving up and running back.

University 2nd year

In life, we face various paths laid out before us, and there comes a moment when we must decide which path to take. Such a moment came for me when I had to decide on a track within my major. Although I had been interested in development, I became intrigued by forensics during a forensics study in my freshman winter break. Through this experience, I decided to maintain my interest in development as a hobby while diving deeper into medical security and forensics.

My passion for development served as the driving force that kept me going. So, I consistently pursued development as a hobby and participated in development-related conferences. This allowed me to meet various people, listen to and learn from their knowledge and experience. These activities greatly helped improve my development skills and allowed me to acquire technical abilities that could be applied in various fields.

Meanwhile, I started to delve into the fields of medical security and forensics. Medical security is an increasingly important field, which I believe greatly contributes to improving people’s health and quality of life. Forensics, on the other hand, is a field related to criminal investigations and plays an essential role in maintaining social safety and order. These two fields presented new challenges and opportunities to make a positive impact on the world.

From my sophomore year, I began taking classes on medical security and forensics. At the same time, I began studying forensics in earnest, acquiring new knowledge and skills. Based on the theories and practices learned in class, I participated in various projects, which allowed me to develop my practical abilities. Moreover, I had the opportunity to learn from the insights and experiences of experts in the fields of medical security and forensics.

As time went on, I gained a deeper understanding and passion for these fields. I was able to acquire various knowledge and skills by crossing the boundaries between development, medical security, and forensics. This allowed me to accumulate crucial experiences in finding my path in life and seizing opportunities to bring about positive changes in society.

In the end, I successfully found a balance between the joy of development and my passion for forensics and medical security in my academic and career choices. This allowed me to grow personally and become an expert who can excel in various fields. This experience has become a driving force for me to pursue my dreams, and I will continue to seek new challenges and growth in the future.

University 3rd year

When I became a junior, I decided to take various liberal arts classes. During college, I wanted to make the most of my time by choosing various courses I had always wanted to take according to my preferences. While major studies are important, I believed that broadening my perspective by experiencing various fields of study is the true meaning of college life. In the process, I tried to accumulate essential knowledge and experiences for life by reading books diligently.

The liberal arts classes I chose to enrich my college life introduced me to the diverse colors of the world. I took classes in various fields such as history, literature, philosophy, and science, and sought connections between disciplines to deepen my understanding of my major. As a result, I was able to not only maintain but also elevate my interest in my major.

Moreover, reading many books added depth to my college life. By reading various books, including novels, poetry, and self-development books, I found mental relaxation and established my values in life. The knowledge gained from books allowed me to form my own opinions and apply them when conversing with different people. This was also a significant help in forming valuable relationships during college life.

In the end, various liberal arts classes and academic exploration through books became the driving force for my growth. The feast of various disciplines experienced throughout college broadened my horizons and enhanced my problem-solving skills and thinking abilities. These experiences greatly influenced my career decisions and made me realize the true meaning of college life. The diverse fields of study and experiences allowed me to grow into a talented individual with unique characteristics and abilities. Additionally, various social and human relationships experienced in college taught me the valuable values of life and how to become a better member of society.

The meaning of college life may vary for each individual, but its fundamental goal is to provide opportunities for self-development and growth. And through this, it is to equip us with the ability and capacity to contribute to society. In this process, diverse liberal arts classes and academic exploration through books play a decisive role in discovering and realizing the core values of college life.

In this way, the true meaning of college life lies in establishing one’s worldview and perception through various fields of study and experiences and accumulating knowledge and abilities. Based on this, we can continue to learn and grow even after college, positively impacting ourselves, those around us, and society as a whole. This is the most precious gift and invaluable meaning that college life brings.

University 4th year, first semester

When I first entered college, I was lacking in many ways. The world seemed like a vast and complicated place to me, and I needed something special to keep up with others. So, during the first half of my senior year, I lived more diligently than anyone else. I studied hard and consistently developed my own unique weapons that set me apart from others. This is a story of that journey.

When I first started looking for my own weapons, I believed that studying was the most important thing. I opened books day and night to improve my test scores and never missed school classes. However, that was not enough. There are countless outstanding people in the world, and I had to find my own unique value to differentiate myself from them. So, I decided to take an interest in various fields and do something that others couldn’t do. I also vowed to be consistent.

I really worked hard to do things that others didn’t do. I participated in various activities and discovered my own unique weapons. Through music, art, volunteering, and sports, I developed my own distinctive capabilities. These made me a different being from others, allowing me to shine even brighter.

As my college life was coming to an end, I was ready to show my weapons to the world. I was prepared to create the future I dreamed of through my own weapons. Although I’m not sure what I’ll do in society, I want to praise myself for coming this far without any regrets.

The journey so far has been a valuable experience for me. Being much more deficient than others, the relentless path I’ve taken has shaped me into who I am today. Even though the road ahead may be uncertain, I will start from here. My first step in society will be filled with fear and excitement, but my experiences and efforts so far will support me. And I will not lose my attitude of continuous effort while embracing expectations for the future.

I will strive for lifelong learning, acquiring new knowledge based on what I’ve learned so far. I will continue to improve my existing weapons and discover new ones, making my own star shine even brighter. I also want to be someone who has a positive impact on the people around me by using my experiences and capabilities.

When faced with difficulties, I will look back on my efforts so far and gather courage. I will find the weapons needed to overcome those challenges and use them as an opportunity to develop myself further. Overcoming obstacles one by one, I will make my mark on life.

In the end, the life I’m starting now will be built on my own weapons, efforts, and strong will for the future. No matter what trials I may face, I will be victorious with the strength and wisdom gained from my journey so far. In doing so, I will continue my journey to make my own mark in the world, adding my own light to it. I know that if I keep making my mark like this, I will eventually create a galaxy.

University 4th year, second semester

Mistakes, failures, and growth

I have made many mistakes and experienced failures in my life. Mistakes and failures are inevitable phenomena in life. However, we should pursue good mistakes as they provide valuable lessons for learning and growth. In this article, I will explain what good mistakes are, how to handle them, and how they can lead to personal development.

Firstly, what are good mistakes? Good mistakes refer to the mistakes that individuals or organizations can learn from to gain valuable lessons for their future development and growth. These mistakes are obtained through the trial-and-error process necessary for acquiring new knowledge, discovering innovative ideas, and making wise choices.

To pursue good mistakes, it is important to first acknowledge and not hide one’s mistakes. We must be honest with ourselves, as well as with others, to effectively digest the lessons learned from our mistakes and improve through self-reflection.

It is also desirable to accurately record one’s mistakes. I have consistently recorded my mistakes and shared them on my blog when I felt the need to do so. Through this, I can avoid repeating the same mistakes and make wiser decisions in the future. Through retrospective thinking by keeping records, we can continue to grow.

It is necessary to understand and be patient with mistakes and failures, as they are important processes for personal development. We should maintain an attitude of using each failure as an opportunity to grow, acknowledge our imperfections, and continue to improve.

In conclusion, pursuing good mistakes is a way of using inevitable failures and mistakes in life to foster personal growth and development. To do so, we must have the courage to acknowledge our mistakes, record them accurately for reflection, and use each failure as an opportunity to grow. This way, we can build a strong foundation for facing life’s various challenges through good mistakes.

Additionally, sharing and discussing mistakes with those around us is also a good way to learn from diverse perspectives and obtain ideas for improvement. Through this process, we can realize the importance of mutual cooperation and communication and experience growth with others.

Finally, even if we are afraid of making mistakes and facing failures, we need to have a spirit of not fearing challenges. This means that through the process of learning from mistakes, we can gain courage and confidence. Only those who have the courage to challenge themselves through good mistakes can achieve higher levels of success. Therefore, we must stand up again and again, even if we stumble.

In summary, pursuing good mistakes is an essential process in life, providing opportunities for learning and growth through failures. We should acknowledge our mistakes, record and reflect upon them, grow with those around us, and maintain a spirit of not fearing challenges. By living with this attitude, we can create a more successful and meaningful life through good mistakes.

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