2 분 소요

How to study Medical Security

원래 한국어로 작성하려고 했지만, 의료보안을 많은 사람이 했으면 하는 바람에 영어로 작성하게 되었습니다. 필요하시다면 구글 번역기 사용을 부탁드리겠습니다.


With the advent of the Internet of Things era, interest in medical security is increasing. In fact, medical hacking can occur. In addition, medical records are digitized and the use of electronic medical devices is increasing. Therefore, the field of medical security is becoming a growing concern in the healthcare industry.


  • University of South Florida (USF) - The USF College of Nursing offers a Master of Science in Nursing with a focus on Health Informatics and Information Management, which includes coursework in medical security.
  • The University of San Francisco (USF) - The USF School of Nursing and Health Professions offers a Master of Science in Health Informatics, which includes coursework in medical security and privacy.
  • Utica College - Utica College offers a Master of Science in Cybersecurity with a healthcare concentration, which focuses on the specific security needs of the healthcare industry.

What I wrote is only part of it. There is also a jackpot that offers degrees such as cybersecurity or information security, but provides courses or electives focused on medical security or the medical industry. It is also cybersecurity, but the professor may be doing medical security.

Therefore, there may be other universities and institutions that provide medical security programs. It is recommended to investigate the area, online university, or various information that provides programs in the field.

If you have any other information besides this, I would appreciate it if you could let me know in the comments.


The medical security certificate is HCISPP. HCISPP (HealthCare Information Security and Privacy Practitioner) is a certification offered by (ISC)², an international, nonprofit membership association for information security leaders. The certification is designed for individuals who have a strong understanding of information security and privacy principles as they apply to the healthcare industry. To earn the HCISPP, candidates must pass an exam and have at least two years of experience working in the healthcare information security and privacy field. The exam covers topics such as healthcare regulations and standards, risk management, incident response, and privacy and security controls. The HCISPP is a valuable credential for professionals working in healthcare information security and privacy, as it demonstrates their knowledge and expertise in this field.

the author’s way of studying

First, googling.

First of all, I am studying information security, so it was easy when I studied the field of medical security. Also, I googled a lot if I wanted to know something I didn’t know or something new. Google has most of the information.

Second, Cocera.

Second, he studied basic subjects such as Healthcare IT Support, Healthcare Data Security, Privacy, and Compliance, and Cybersecurity in Healthcare.

the third thesis

Lastly, I read a lot of papers. There are not many books or documents written on medical security. However, if you search for medical security as a paper, there are so many papers. Also, if you go to a similar topic by link, you can easily study more fields.

I had a lot of criticism when I decided to study medical security, I didn’t have anyone to study with, and most of the time I wasn’t interested in medical security. When I first studied, I had a lot of trial and error and didn’t know how to study, so if I have information related to medical security like this, I want to share as much as I can.

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