
  • K 13

Clubs, Study Groups, and Teams

  • SecurityPlus Union Academy Summer Vacation
    • SUA Linux (2016/07/21 시작)
  • SecurityPlus Union Academy
    • Web Hacking (2020년 1월 18일, 2시간)
    • Forensics (2020년 2월 11일, 3시간)
  • At university
    • Start-up Club(2020 - 2022)
  • Modu Labs
    • Post-Harvest Loss Reduction LAB / PHLR LAB (2023/06/03 ~ 2023/08/13)

Conferences I Enjoyed the Most

  • KSIA 12th IT4U Security Lecture (November 29, 2015) - Audience Participant
  • 2018 CODEGATE Security Seminar - Audience Participant
  • Financial Information Security Conference 2019 (FISCON) - Audience Participant
  • 2019 GDG Suwon - Google Developer Groups - Participant
  • AWS Summit Seoul 2023 - Attended Both Days
  • AWS Builders Online Series - January 18, 2024

Volunteer Service

  • NC (2021, 2023, 2024)

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